Onboard new engineers in days, not weeks

Onboard new engineers in days, not weeks

Onboard new engineers in days, not weeks

Deploy engineers to projects faster & save thousands of dollars every month by cutting your onboarding time by 70%.

Deploy engineers to projects faster & save thousands of dollars every month by cutting your onboarding time by 70%.

Deploy engineers to projects faster & save thousands of dollars every month by cutting your onboarding time by 70%.

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Improved Onboarding Experience At Companies Like

Supercharge Your Engineer’s


Supercharge Your Engineer’s


Long Onboarding Creates Project Delays

Long Onboarding Creates Project Delays

You want your new hires to deliver as soon as possible. Traditional onboarding processes are unstructured usually following a ‘buddy system’.

This hands-on approach not only lengthens the onboarding process but also wastes senior devs precious time.

We design onboarding training with your senior devs according to the way you do things at your company to significantly reduce onboarding time.

Keeping Onboarding Training Up To Date Is Tedious

Keeping Onboarding Training Up To Date Is Tedious

Companies frequently rely on static & outdated onboarding documentation that fail to engage new hires efficiently.

This is seriously ineffective because if new hires rely on the documentation, there’s a huge room for error because new processes are different than the ones documented.

We’ve built a system that easily allows us to implement new changes to onboarding material so both new & old employees can learn about them.

We’ve built a system that easily allows us to implement new changes to onboarding material so both new & old employees can learn about them.

Deploy Engineers Faster

Deploy Engineers Faster

Agencies & software companies train employees for weeks & sometimes for months to make sure they’re ready for a project.

You’re paying $3,000-$5,000 just to train engineers to do the job they were hired to do.

We help you save this amount with every employee you hire by cutting your onboarding time from weeks to days.



Reduction in onboarding time



Engineering teams worked with



Years of experience



Team sizes worked with

Benefits You Will Love

Benefits You Will Love

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Tailored Onboarding Courses

Tailored Onboarding Courses

We collaborate directly with your senior engineers to develop custom onboarding courses that align with your specific tools, practices, and company culture. This personalized approach ensures that new hires are not just learning generic concepts but are getting up to speed on the nuances of how your team operates, leading to faster and more effective integration into your projects.

We collaborate directly with your senior engineers to develop custom onboarding courses that align with your specific tools, practices, and company culture. This personalized approach ensures that new hires are not just learning generic concepts but are getting up to speed on the nuances of how your team operates, leading to faster and more effective integration into your projects.

Onboarding Process Optimization

Onboarding Process Optimization

We act as a new employee within your company to directly experience and evaluate your existing onboarding process. This hands-on approach allows us to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, leading to a refined onboarding experience that significantly reduces time-to-productivity for new hires.

We act as a new employee within your company to directly experience and evaluate your existing onboarding process. This hands-on approach allows us to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, leading to a refined onboarding experience that significantly reduces time-to-productivity for new hires.

Continuous Onboarding Updates

Continuous Onboarding Updates

The tech industry moves fast, and staying current can be a challenge. Our service includes ongoing updates to your onboarding materials and processes to ensure they reflect the latest tools, technologies, and best practices.

The tech industry moves fast, and staying current can be a challenge. Our service includes ongoing updates to your onboarding materials and processes to ensure they reflect the latest tools, technologies, and best practices.

Webstone's Unique Learning Experience

Webstone's Unique Learning Experience



Onboarding Evaluation

Onboarding Evaluation

We kick things off with a comprehensive assessment of your existing onboarding process. We interview senior team members to evaluate your methods & how we can create a smooth onboarding process based on that.

We kick things off with a comprehensive assessment of your existing onboarding process. We interview senior team members to evaluate your methods & how we can create a smooth onboarding process based on that.


Onboarding Course Co-Creation

Onboarding Course Co-Creation

We collaborate with your senior devs to create a tailored training & onboarding material for new devs. We use our years of experience training dev teams to work with you & create an onboarding experience that trains new hires fast.

We collaborate with your senior devs to create a tailored training & onboarding material for new devs. We use our years of experience training dev teams to work with you & create an onboarding experience that trains new hires fast.



Implement Onboarding Improvements

Implement Onboarding Improvements

Once we’ve developed the course, we work towards implementing the onboarding improvements. This may include automating repetitive tasks, streamlining documentation, and introducing innovative teaching methods designed to engage new hires.

Once we’ve developed the course, we work towards implementing the onboarding improvements. This may include automating repetitive tasks, streamlining documentation, and introducing innovative teaching methods designed to engage new hires.



Optimize & Adjust

Optimize & Adjust

Post-implementation, we continue to monitor the effectiveness of the new onboarding process, gathering feedback from new hires and the broader team. This iterative approach allows us to make continuous adjustments, ensuring the onboarding experience remains relevant, efficient, and aligned with your evolving business needs.


Meet the Founder

Meet the Founder

Hi, my name’s Mike. I’m the founder of Webstone Education & Webstone Technologies.

In my over 20 years of experience as a software engineer, one thing always bothered me…

I hated seeing new team members’ feeling frustrated because of a fragmented, broken onboarding process.

Don’t get me wrong - it’s a good thing to learn on the job, but there’s plenty of time to do that after onboarding. Onboarding should be fun, fast, and productive.

When I started working with customers at Google Cloud, I thought I should find a solution for this so customers don’t have to constantly mentor new hires.

I developed a stringent onboarding process that could be easily updated & used by new engineers.

It decreased onboarding processes from weeks to days. New hires were deployed faster on projects & senior engineers spent significantly less time hand-holding new employees.

Every time I switched jobs in my career, I implemented the same system & the results were the same every time.

Onboarding time reduced by nearly 70% saving companies $3000-$5000 per employee.

If you also have long onboarding processes that you’d like to reduce, do reach out - let’s talk about it.

Mike Nikles

Mike Nikles

Shorten Your



Shorten Your



If you’re a software company consistently hiring new

devs, you’ll find our service extremely valuable.

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Frequently Answered Questions

Frequently Answered Questions

What makes Webstone Education's approach to onboarding unique?

What makes Webstone Education's approach to onboarding unique?

Our approach is uniquely personalized and dynamic, co-creating onboarding courses with your senior engineers and continuously updating content to reflect the latest industry practices, ensuring your team is always at the forefront of technological advancements.

Our approach is uniquely personalized and dynamic, co-creating onboarding courses with your senior engineers and continuously updating content to reflect the latest industry practices, ensuring your team is always at the forefront of technological advancements.

How quickly can we implement Webstone Education's onboarding solutions?

How quickly can we implement Webstone Education's onboarding solutions?

Implementation timelines vary based on the scope and customization level, but typically, we can start seeing positive changes in your onboarding process within a few weeks of our initial assessment.

Implementation timelines vary based on the scope and customization level, but typically, we can start seeing positive changes in your onboarding process within a few weeks of our initial assessment.

How do we measure the effectiveness of the new onboarding process?

How do we measure the effectiveness of the new onboarding process?

Effectiveness is measured through a combination of quantitative metrics, such as reduced time-to-productivity, and qualitative feedback from new hires and team leads, ensuring continuous improvement.

Effectiveness is measured through a combination of quantitative metrics, such as reduced time-to-productivity, and qualitative feedback from new hires and team leads, ensuring continuous improvement.

Can Webstone Education's services be adapted to remote or hybrid work environments?

Can Webstone Education's services be adapted to remote or hybrid work environments?

Absolutely, our services are designed to be flexible and effective across all work environments, including remote and hybrid settings, ensuring new hires feel connected and engaged, regardless of their location.

Absolutely, our services are designed to be flexible and effective across all work environments, including remote and hybrid settings, ensuring new hires feel connected and engaged, regardless of their location.

What is involved in creating a customized onboarding course?

What is involved in creating a customized onboarding course?

Creating a customized course involves an in-depth assessment of your current practices, collaboration with your engineering and HR teams to understand specific needs, and the development of engaging, interactive content tailored to those needs.

Creating a customized course involves an in-depth assessment of your current practices, collaboration with your engineering and HR teams to understand specific needs, and the development of engaging, interactive content tailored to those needs.

Are Webstone Education's onboarding improvements a one-time service, or do you offer ongoing support?

Are Webstone Education's onboarding improvements a one-time service, or do you offer ongoing support?

While initial improvements can have immediate benefits, we offer ongoing support and updates to ensure your onboarding process remains cutting-edge and continues to meet the evolving needs of your team and industry.

While initial improvements can have immediate benefits, we offer ongoing support and updates to ensure your onboarding process remains cutting-edge and continues to meet the evolving needs of your team and industry.

What if our company already has an onboarding process in place?

What if our company already has an onboarding process in place?

Our service is designed to enhance and improve upon existing onboarding processes. We identify areas for improvement and integration with current practices, making your onboarding even more effective without starting from scratch.

Our service is designed to enhance and improve upon existing onboarding processes. We identify areas for improvement and integration with current practices, making your onboarding even more effective without starting from scratch.

Webstone Education. 2024

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Webstone Education. 2024

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